
Rfactor 2 graphics mods
Rfactor 2 graphics mods

rfactor 2 graphics mods

Go to the trackconfigsbase.ini file you can find in each constructor folder here : GameData\Vehicles\CART_Extreme\1998 and look at the name of your track ( first line of the. How to change chassis according to track : Vanport, Laguna Seca et Cleveland to come. Some tracks are also being updated to GSCE standards to suit this release - you can find Long Beach, Fontana & Vancouver already from the Game Stock Car Extreme modding section. You can find two of my videos here and here. 4 or 5 boosts (depends on tracks, roads, 4, Ovals, 5).Another thing is using high quality tracks and cars. My reshade files help a little bit, but the built-in graphics do the heavy lifting. How or what mods do I use to make RF2’s graphics better. 4 chassis specifications for road, short oval and speedway tracks There is a lot of videos out there that seem to show RF2 more to modern standards.2 tyre manufacturers (Firestone & Goodyear).

rfactor 2 graphics mods

rFactor 2s FSR 2019 from the Formula Sim Racing team is an incredible. 4 engines (Honda, Ford, Mercedes, Toyota) Assetto Mods has a large collection of quality Assetto mod links found online.4 unique chassis (Reynard, Lola, Swift & Penske).Moveable driver arms (from TV view only)Īlong with all features from the original mod:.Several graphics improvements (updated car shaders).Ha kérdésed van, írj emailt send your name if you send donates.CART Extreme is an official revision of the original Racing Line Development´s CART Factor mod for rFactor with direct participation from some of the original developers and soon available for Game Stock Car Extreme. This mod uses the ReShade 3.0 (2017 version) to remove the bluish and over saturated colors in RF2 dx11 (dxd11 is beta release) standard version and improve the graphics to a more realistic colors without significant performance loss. The received amount will be a part of our new modifications (software,etc.). Reshade 3.0 Graphics injector for RF2dx11 by Moiker. rf to show both in that folder to see all the content in one list and not separate folders.

rfactor 2 graphics mods

If our work reached your standards and you’d like to help us feel free to donate. C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappsworkshopcontent365960. You can find all of our mods made for rFactor 2. A támogatásokból befolyó összegeket újabb szoftverekre, munkaidőre fordítjuk, hogy további módok elkészítésére legyen időnk.Ī közeljövőben a következő módokon dolgozunk: Ha úgy érzed, hogy munkáink megfelelő színvonalúak, és szeretnéd segíteni a munkánkat, támogass minket.

rfactor 2 graphics mods

Ezen az oldalon megtalálod az összes rFactor 2-re készült módunkat.

Rfactor 2 graphics mods